Tuesday 14 May 2013

Character Profile

Age- 16 Aprox.

Ophelia is a well known character in the story Hamlet for her journey where her young and naive personality. Ophelia becomes particularly significant throughout Hamlet as she grows to become mad and disturbed due to suffering from grief for her lover Hamlet this emotionally charged story ends in the tragedy of Ophelia being the consequence of her own death which was questioned to be suicide as she downed in the river whilst innocently picking flowers. Ophelia has the potential to become a tragic heroine, instead she crumbles to insanity, becoming merely tragic. Ophelia also plays the role in the portrayal of women at that specific time in history and Shakespeare's attitude towards women! Ophelia is to also show Hamlets warped view of women as callous sexual predator, and the innocence and virtue of women.

Many people have a stereotypical view of the character Ophelia throughout the play but i feel after reading the whole play context and studying the story in depth during my GCSE English that i feel although Ophelia may not be as important character as Hamlet or Gertrude for example but her role is very significant character throughout the play!

My interpretation of Ophelia i hope will show clarity in my performance. I feel she is a complexed character who at such a young age is only destiny to be happy with her true love Hamlet. She initially feels he is the one who can give her guidance through life but my specific monologue shows her realisation where he is not what she initially though he was.

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