Tuesday 14 May 2013

Ophelia's Timeline throughout Hamlet

1.3- Polonius and Laertes tell Ophelia that Hamlet just wants to sleep with her, and that she should break up with him. He's out of her league.

1.3- Ophelia agrees when her father Polonius orders her to stop seeing Hamlet

2.1- Ophelia emotionally tells Polonius about Hamlet showing up all crazy-like in her room. She develops throughout the monologue to realise that her father was right all along about Hamlet.

2.3- In a situation set-up by her father, Ophelia talks to Hamlet for the first time in weeks. He is cold, tells her he didn't love her, and then says, "Get thee to a nunnery." Ophelia thinks hes gone totally mad and is justifiably upset by his behaviour.

3.2- Hamlet sits next to Ophelia during the production of his play and continually makes dirty and insulting jokes directed at her. She tries to keep her cool however tension in increasing.

4.5- Ophelia wanders the stage acting insane, singing explicit songs and yelling incoherent comments at Gertrude and Claudius. When her brother comes in, she responds by throwing around some more flowers.

4.7- Gertrude announces that Ophelia had drowned whilst picking flowers. It was said to be suicide.

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