Monday 13 May 2013

Character Development-Ophelia

When first reviewing the monologue and the historical context of the play as to where to monologue was situated in the play i was faced with some concerns as to the style of acting i would want to portray to the audience regarding Ophelia's physical state whether she would be experience the rising action towards her resulting to madness.

After looking at the whole play context i discovered that this particular section of the plot was during the earlier days where Ophelia was first experiencing Hamlets changing personality which also eventually lead him towards madness as well as herself.

I felt like as an actor i didn't want to portray and almost 'steriotypical' view of Ophelia. This is normally her being concerned as always experiencing madness due to grief of her relationship with hamlet. As an actor i wanted to reinforce my personal response to the character. I feel a deep sadness towards Ophelia as all she needs is a suitable male for her to look up too and give her guidance through life.

My emotional response of Ophelia i hope will be clear in the audition as i want to show an in depth and mainly believable representation of Ophelia for the panel. This will involve her almost discovering the realisation of herself realising that her father was right all along about Hamlet. As her father Polonious is situated next to her in the room throughout the monologue i want to relate to this character and use imagination so therefor this will emphasis a developed believable experience.

After the realisation of how i wanted to perform the character Ophelia i needed to then develop these idea creating an end result of a character which will be bold and striking which the audience  will there for be able to easily not only sympathise but mainly emphasis with her lengthy journey throughout the play where eventually this results in the consequences of her own death.

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